Now showing items 211-220 of 4425

    • Implications of research that excludes under-served populations 

      Carroll, C (Nature ResearchEngland, 2022-06-29)
      Effective translation of evidence from clinical trials into clinical practice requires the enrolment of diverse, representative trial populations. However, this diversity is still often lacking, with negative clinical ...
    • Runx2 regulates peripheral nerve regeneration to promote Schwann cell migration and re-myelination 

      Hu, R; Dun, X; Singh, L; Banton, MC (MedknowIndia, 2024-07)
      Runx2 is a major regulator of osteoblast differentiation and function; however, the role of Runx2 in peripheral nerve repair is unclear. Here, we analyzed Runx2 expression following injury and found that it was specifically ...
    • The importance of acoustic output measurement and monitoring for the replicability of transcranial ultrasonic stimulation studies 

      Klein-Flügge, MC; Fouragnan, EF; Martin, E (Elsevier BVUnited States, 2024-01)
    • Preoperative aerobic fitness and perioperative outcomes in patients undergoing cystectomy before and after implementation of a national lockdown 

      Tetlow, N; Dewar, A; Arina, P; Tan, M; Sridhar, AN; Kelly, JD; Arulkumaran, N; Stephens, RCM; Martin, DS; Moonesinghe, SR; Whittle, J (Elsevier BVEngland, 2024-03)
      Abstract Background Lower fitness is a predictor of adverse outcomes after radical cystectomy. Lockdown measures during the COVID-19 pandemic affected daily physical activity. We hypothesised that lockdown during the ...
    • Embedding Patient Input in Outcome Measures for Long‐Term Disease‐Modifying Parkinson Disease Trials 

      Gonzalez‐Robles, C; Bartlett, M; Burnell, M; Clarke, CS; Haar, S; Hu, MT; Huxford, B; Jha, A; Lawton, M; Noyce, A; Piccini, P; Pushparatnam, K; Rochester, L; Siu, C; van Wamelen, D; Williams‐Gray, CH; Zeissler, M; Zetterberg, H; Carroll, CB; Foltynie, T; Weil, RS; Schrag, A (WileyUnited States, 2023-12-22)
      Background Clinical trials of disease-modifying therapies in PD require valid and responsive primary outcome measures that are relevant to patients. Objectives The objective is to select a patient-centered primary outcome ...
    • Patient safety in remote primary care encounters: multimethod qualitative study combining Safety I and Safety II analysis 

      Payne, R; Clarke, A; Swann, N; van Dael, J; Brenman, N; Rosen, R; Mackridge, A; Moore, L; Kalin, A; Ladds, E; Hemmings, N; Rybczynska-Bunt, S; Faulkner, S; Hanson, I; Spitters, S; Wieringa, S; Dakin, FH; Shaw, SE; Wherton, J; Byng, R; Husain, L; Greenhalgh, T (BMJEngland, 2023-11-28)
      Abstract Background Triage and clinical consultations increasingly occur remotely. We aimed to learn why safety incidents occur in remote encounters and how to prevent them. Setting and sample UK primary care. 95 safety ...
    • Midterm Clinical Outcomes of Reimplantation Versus Remodeling Valve-Sparing Aortic Root Replacement in Patients With Connective Tissue Disorders: A Meta-Analysis 

      Burton, S; Reynolds, AC; King, N; Modi, A; Asopa, S (Elsevier BVUnited States, 2024-02)
      This meta-analysis aimed to compare the midterm clinical outcomes of reimplantation versus remodeling techniques for valve-sparing aortic root replacement (VSARR) in patients with connective tissue disorders (CTDs). Studies ...
    • Training needs for staff providing remote services in general practice: a mixed-methods study 

      Greenhalgh, T; Payne, R; Hemmings, N; Leach, H; Hanson, I; Khan, A; Miller, L; Ladds, E; Clarke, A; Shaw, SE; Dakin, F; Wieringa, S; Rybczynska-Bunt, S; Faulkner, SD; Byng, R; Kalin, A; Moore, L; Wherton, J; Husain, L; Rosen, R (Royal College of General PractitionersEngland, 2024-01)
      Abstract Background Contemporary general practice includes many kinds of remote encounter. The rise in telephone, video and online modalities for triage and clinical care requires clinicians and support staff to be trained, ...
    • Exploring Attitudes Toward “Sugar Relationships” Across 87 Countries: A Global Perspective on Exchanges of Resources for Sex and Companionship 

      Meskó, N; Kowal, M; Láng, A; Kocsor, F; Bandi, SA; Putz, A; Sorokowski, P; Frederick, DA; García, FE; Aguilar, LA; Studzinska, A; Tan, C-S; Gjoneska, B; Milfont, TL; Topcu Bulut, M; Grigoryev, D; Aavik, T; Boussena, M; Mattiassi, ADA; Afhami, R; Amin, R; Baiocco, R; Brahim, H; Can, AR; Carneiro, J; Çetinkaya, H; Chubinidze, D; Deschrijver, E; Don, Y; Dubrov, D; Duyar, I; Jovic, M; Kamburidis, JA; Khan, F; Khun-Inkeeree, H; Koso-Drljevic, M; Lacko, D; Massar, K; Morelli, M; Natividade, JC; Nyhus, EK; Park, JH; Pazhoohi, F; Pirtskhalava, E; Ponnet, K; Prokop, P; Šakan, D; Tulyakul, S; Wang, AH; Aquino, SD; Atamtürk, DD; Burduli, N; Chirumbolo, A; Dural, S; Etchezahar, E; Ghahraman Moharrampour, N; Aczel, B; Kozma, L; Lins, S; Manunta, E; Marot, T; Mebarak, M; Miroshnik, KG; Misetic, K; Papadatou-Pastou, M; Bakos, B; Sahli, FZ; Singh, S; Solak, Ç; Volkodav, T; Wlodarczyk, A; Akello, G; Argyrides, M; Çoker, O; Galasinska, K; Gómez Yepes, T; Kobylarek, A; Landa-Blanco, M; Mayorga, M; Özener, B; Pacquing, MCT; Reyes, MES; Şahin, A; Tamayo-Agudelo, W; Topanova, G; Toplu-Demirtaş, E; Türkan, BN; Zumárraga-Espinosa, M; Grassini, S; Antfolk, J; Cornec, C; Pisanski, K; Stöckli, S; Eder, SJ; Han, H (Springer Science and Business Media LLCUnited States, 2023-12-21)
      The current study investigates attitudes toward one form of sex for resources: the so-called sugar relationships, which often involve exchanges of resources for sex and/or companionship. The present study examined ...
    • Self-discrepancies in mind perception for actual, ideal, and ought selves and partners 

      Jacobs, OL; Pazhoohi, F; Kingstone, A (Public Library of Science (PLoS)United States, 2023-12-13)
      Defining and measuring self-discrepancies in mind perception between how an individual sees their actual self in comparison to their ideal or ought self has a long but challenging history in psychology. Here we present a ...

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